Romans Resources

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As we start our journey through the book of Romans, we thought it would be helpful to provide a list of resources our members can take advantage of. The resources we have compiled go from short and concise overviews of the entire book to more detailed verse by verse studies of the entire book. 

We hope you will take the time to look at the list and choose at least one of them to use for your personal study to complement our corporate study on Sundays and in some cases in small groups. 

Book resources:


Tim Keller’s Romans for you 1-7


Tim Keller’s Romans for you 8-16


Knowing the Bible: Romans


Romans: An Expositional Commentary, R.C Sproul


The Message of Romans (The Bible Speaks Today Series), John Stott


Reading through Romans with John Stott (Book 1)


Reading through Romans with John Stott (Book 2)

Video Resources:  


The Bible Project Romans overview


The Gospel Coalition: Study of Romans by Michael Kruger

Web Resources:


The Gospel Coalition: Introduction to Romans


The Gospel Coalition: Knowing the Bible 12 week study by Jared Wilson


Desiring God Romans Sermons by John Piper


Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones 366 sermons on Romans