Sign up for your summer term group today...

When the service finishes on Sunday,
church is just beginning.

Metro Life Church is a community,
which means that we don’t just have Community Groups,
we are Community Groups.

We live in a world increasingly isolated by technology, divided by politics, and exhausted by endless obligations. Deep friendships are hard to build and even harder to maintain. Yet we all know that the loneliness we so easily feel isn’t supposed to be there—we need each other.

In Community Groups we pull together as a family, ready to care for each other, lift one another’s burdens, and point each other to Jesus and his grace. We don’t want these to simply be fun places to hang out—though we hope they’re that too. No one needs just another commitment in their schedule. Instead, we want Community Groups to be tight-knit gatherings of people who fight to love each other across political, racial, and generational lines. By doing this we’re imitating Jesus’ life spent uniting the divided, befriending the lonely, and comforting those who are very much done. 

One summary of the purpose of Community Groups that we’ve used at Metro explains it well:

Community Groups strive to
be faithful to Jesus,
faithful to his Church,
and faithful to his Mission.

To accomplish that we follow a term schedule, spending 3 months in a group and then 1 month on break. During that break you can sign up for the groups open the following term. Maybe you want to stick with your current group and the relationships you’ve built there: that’s great! Maybe you want to take a short break to join a group studying a specific topic like marriage, finances, or the Old Testament—that’s great too!

And if you’re coming in halfway through a term, don’t let that stop you from stepping into our family. The contact information for each leader is listed below and you can reach out to see when it would be easiest for you to join.

Whatever your season of life, Community Groups are the way we want to care for you. Explore this term’s offerings below, and feel free to reach out to Community Group leaders with any questions you have. 


Sign up for your summer term group today...