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Truth Quest Full Service Transition


Across the nation, families have cleaned out closets and sorted through clothes that don’t fit, purchased new supplies and backpacks, and generally prepared to send the kids back to school.  It’s always a great opportunity to evaluate needs and start fresh.  Here at Metro Life Church, we’ve done the same with our Children’s Ministry, Truth Quest.  

Over the last few years, we noticed some unique challenges in our ability to serve our children, and by extension, their families.  Varying attendance patterns, lack of Bible literacy, and the need to connect to and equip parents are some of the most important.  

Chris Jessee stated it well when he said recently, 

From our beginning as a church, we built on this principle: that parents and the church would serve as an example to children of what it means to worship the Lord with our lives. The gathered church as an example, with Parents as the primary disciples of their own children in their homes throughout the week.

We firmly believe when we truly experience the gospel, our hearts are transformed. It is the gospel, not good behavior, that changes everything.  Our vision and mission statement for Truth Quest relates our heart as a church for our children in this way:

In a safe environment we present an awesome God to our children, encouraging a relationship with him, as revealed through His Word.

In order to put into practice these principals, we have decided to move to a full-service children’s ministry time.  Beginning on September 16,  Truth Quest will welcome kids to their own worship and ministry time, followed by teaching from the excellent curriculum from The Gospel Project, which we’ve already been utilizing.  The Gospel Project takes kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture. Through this, our children will discover how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation.

This change to full service will allow us to better serve our children with more in-depth and thorough teaching time,  Bible memory work, reinforcement with games and activities, and opportunity for students and teachers to get to know each other.


Full-service Truth Quest will also allow the adults to worship together and dive into God’s Word without a break or potential added distractions, as well as giving way for fuller fellowship before and after our service time.

Along with the shift in service times, we’ve also begun an amazing remodel of the Truth Quest wing (200 wing) of our building, including a brand new assembly room for our worship time, and age-appropriate designs for each class.  We are hoping to have it complete by the end of the year. 


Please plan to arrive early on Sunday, Sept. 16.  Check in your children, or if you are past that stage, come early and pray for the children, families, and Truth Quest workers.  We are trusting that God is at work and we are in full faith that He will bless our efforts.  However, we are still in need of teachers and helpers.  Would you please consider giving one month a quarter, about 12 Sundays per year, to this worthwhile purpose—training and equipping the youngest generation of Metro Life Church!