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Alive Update: The Spirit’s Promise

Dear Parents,

ElementalSeriesLogoThis week begins our series on the Holy Spirit. The lesson was entitled “The Spirit’s Promise,” and its purpose was to help students understand who the Holy Spirit is and what His presence in their life signifies, and to help them begin to express how His presence makes them feel.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
• Deuteronomy 6:4-5,
• Genesis 1:1-2,
• John 1:1-4 and 14:15-17
• Ephesians 1:13-14,
• Titus 3:4-7

Please take a few minutes this week to read those passages that help us understand who the Holy Spirit is.

Next Steps . . .

During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, remember that one way that will help them to understand and apply what they have learned is to explain it to someone else. Use the following questions to guide your conversation:

• This week you talked about how the Holy Spirit dwells inside every Christ-follower. What about this struck you as important? What would you say is the main way this impacts your life?

•The Holy Spirit is part of God’s promise, right? If we have put our faith in Jesus, then the Holy Spirit inside of us is God’s guarantee that we are God’s forever. But that only happens if we have trusted in Jesus for our salvation. Tell me about where you are with Jesus. Have you put your trust in Jesus? (This question might open up a whole different conversation . . . which is a good thing. If you’re not sure about where your teenager is with Jesus, don’t be afraid of sharing about your own faith, your struggles at times to trust, etc.) How would you say you’re doing in your relationship with Christ?

• How does the fact that you are God’s forever make you feel? Is that something you had ever thought about before this week?

Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.